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AS Level

Cambridge AS Media Studies

Summary of Cambridge AS Media Studies course content

Your creativity is at home with this Cambridge AS Media Studies course. Explore the impact of the media within a variety of cultures and how this influences social values. Learn to analyse and evaluate in a critical way and choose your favourite area: Radio, Advertising, Film, Music, etc.

Start exploring the complexities of media landscapes and their influence today!

By studying this Cambridge International AS & A Level  Media Studies course candidates will:

  • develop critical understanding of international media through engagement with media products and concepts
  • develop critical understanding of international media through engagement with the creative application of practical skills
  • explore production processes, technologies and contexts
  • develop independence in research skills and their application
  • enjoy and appreciate the media and its role in their daily lives
  • appreciate and engage with a variety of global and local media texts
  • explore the impact of the media within a variety of cultures and how this influences social values.

Skills and understanding common to all areas of study

  • Media forms and media platforms.
  • Case studies.
  • The ability to apply practical skills creatively, the ability to analyse their own and published media products critically, research and evaluation skills and information management and project management skills.
  • Knowledge and understanding relating to the key concepts of Language, Representation, Industry and Audience.

AS Level subject content

Candidates must study:

  • Media texts
  • Technical elements
  • Media contexts

Candidates must study at least one media area specified below:

  • Film
  • Music
  • Print
  • Radio and podcasts
  • Video games

A Level subject content

In addition to the above, candidates must study at least two of the following topics:

  • Media regulation
  • Postmodern media
  • Power and the media

Candidates must also study:

  • Media ecology

How the course is assessed


For Cambridge International AS Level Media Studies, candidates take two papers.


For Cambridge International A Level Media Studies, candidates take four papers.

Guided Learning Hours

We design Cambridge International AS & A Level syllabuses based on learners having about 180 guided learning hours for each Cambridge International AS Level and about 360 guided learning hours for a Cambridge International A Level. The number of hours a learner needs to achieve the qualification may vary according to local practice and their previous experience of the subject.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This course is available for study only, without possibility to be enrolled in exam for external candidates

Level AS Level
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Any special requirements

Candidates will need access to a digital camera and photo editing software – Adobe Photoshop is recommended. GIMP is a free open-source alternative if Adobe Photoshop is unavailable.

Required textbook

Course Code: 9607