
  • Studies have shown that healthy relationships lead to a life well-lived.
  • The fact that Wellbeing is one of our three pillars resides in how we perceive the role of today’s education in schools which goes far beyond having academic achievements.
  • At Spark Generation, we believe education in schools is not solely about cultivating brilliant minds but also about nurturing whole and happy lives. As a result, a holistic approach to education shall also encompass the physical, emotional, social and spiritual dimensions of a person’s wellbeing. 

Student Wellbeing

Starting from the admissions step, we take the wellbeing of young adults very seriously and provide them with the support they need throughout the process. Our Induction program helps students feel welcomed, safe and seen through individual and group sessions. We care about helping students develop healthy relationships with their teachers and peers and organise group/class circles to prevent issues or repair harm as needed.

Find out more about what we do to protect the wellbeing of our students by reading the safeguarding policy

Once students embark on their educational journey, we support them through the following actions:

Wellbeing form in admission process

24 meetings/ year with a Learning Journey Advisor, in which the PAIRS framework and curriculum will be covered

Online community of students

Access to a network of trusted professionals in offering psychological and coaching services to teenagers and families

Access to Wellbeing materials and tools

Access to Whole Life Wellbeing course

Safeguarding and Relationships Policies

Being part of a Restorative School & Community

Customised support from Head of Wellbeing

Peer mentoring/ Accountability buddy

The Wellbeing of Families

One of our core beliefs is that when adults are well, children are also well. As such, we aim to catalyse teenagers to be well until they finish high school. 

Just like students, we offer support to the families in our community starting from the admissions process. 

Throughout the year, we offer caregivers support through:

Wellbeing form in the admission process

4 meetings/ year with a Learning Journey Advisor

Online community of parents

Recurrent parents workshops

Recommended reading

Access to a network of trusted professionals in offering psychological and coaching services to adults

The Wellbeing of our teachers and members of staff

We are deeply committed to offering support to our community’s teachers and staff members. We believe that teaching is a calling and that working for the benefit of young adults is a remarkable quality. At the same time, we cherish, encourage, and support the adults in our community who work on their personal and professional development to support students in the best way possible.

Our team is continuously developing, and we see the value of synergy as a way to accomplish growth. Each staff member is on their journey as a human, parent, partner and everything in between, and our goal is to offer them the support they need to thrive in all aspects of their life. 

We offer our teachers and staff support through:

Various Wellbeing initiatives and projects

Recurrent Wellbeing staff meetings/ workshops

Access to a network of trusted professionals in offering psychological and coaching services to individuals, couples and groups

Recommended Reading

Being part of a Restorative Community

Customised support from Head of School and Head of Wellbeing

Access to Whole Life Wellbeing course

Wholelife Wellbeing

YOU ARE A WHOLE PERSON, LIVING A WHOLE LIFE! Discover seven essential elements of your well-being: environment, abundance, body, heart, contribution, mind, and spirit. Proactively recharge each of these elements with the power of character strengths to sustainably boost your energy and effectiveness. Learn ways to flourish and thrive at work, at school, in relationships, and in life. In this book, the science of positive psychology meets timeless wisdom, empowering you with transformative tools to enhance your well-being, and the well-being of those around you!