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Upcoming Courses for High School Students


Summary of course content

Accounting is a skill that can benefit students both in their personal lives and in their future careers. Whether you’re managing your own finances or pursuing a career in business, understanding the principles of accounting can help you make informed decisions and achieve your goals.

This course aims to enable students to:

  • understand the role of accounting as an information system for monitoring, problem-solving and decision-making
  • appreciate the ethical issues that underpin the practice of accounting and their impact on the behaviour of the accountant and businesses
  • appreciate the place of accounting in managing business change in response to economic, social and technological developments
  • develop the ability to apply and evaluate accounting concepts, principles, policies and practices
  • develop skills in communication, analysis, interpretation and presentation of both qualitative and quantitative accounting information
  • develop skills and knowledge needed for further study or employment in accounting or business.
Level Upcoming Courses for High School Students
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