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New: Sexual Education Online Course for High schoolers

At Spark Generation, we offer a comprehensive curriculum to our students—covering not only academic content but also content that will educate and prepare them for life and its ups and downs. As a great addition to our digital library of courses, we are now adding Sexual Education—a course for students aged 14-16 that will help them through this transitional period that we often call adolescence.

A New Horizon in Learning

In an era where the world is overflowing with information from everywhere, we need to be very attentive to where we get our knowledge & information from. 


Naturally, we are born as curious people. Whenever teenagers reach a certain age, if the parents or guardians are not ready to have certain “talks” with them, they will venture out to find out the answers on their own. 


That might lead to them receiving the wrong information, missing out on essential knowledge, and growing up with misconceptions regarding their bodies, relationships, or lives in general. 


At Spark Generation, we want to raise healthy and happy teenagers. Teenagers who are not only academically successful but also supported in all other areas of life. And that’s how our new course came to life. 


Our Sexual Education course at Spark Generation was designed & created not just to inform – but to transform


Our initiative is more than about launching a new course; it’s about our commitment to empowering the next generation with the knowledge, understanding, and respect they deserve.


Why is Sexual Education Crucial for High School Students?

Our world is complex, and so are the challenges teens face today. Misinformation and taboos around sexual health can create confusion and fear. 


Our course cuts through the noise, offering clear, accurate, and respectful education on topics related to sexual health and relationships. Here’s what drives us:


  • Understanding Changes: Adolescence brings about profound changes. Accurate information about these changes is vital for health and self-esteem.


  • Safety and Respect: Knowledge about safe practices and consent is crucial in helping teens make informed decisions.


  • Self-Empowerment: Armed with the right information, teens can navigate their world with confidence and respect for themselves and others.


“In a recent survey of young people (aged 15-24) from Asia and the Pacific, fewer than 1 in 3 believed that their school taught them sexual education well.”

Source: UNESCO

Proven Results

Studies indicate that sex education, when tailored to be culturally sensitive and inclusive, equips teenagers with essential social and emotional skills, fostering a generation of compassionate and understanding citizens. 


Such comprehensive education, introduced, if possible, from an early age and continued consistently, plays a critical role in safeguarding against child sexual abuse and nurturing healthy relationships. 


It promotes an appreciation for sexual diversity, contributes to the prevention of dating and intimate partner violence, enhances social and emotional learning, and boosts media literacy in students.


Further research underscores the long-term benefits of sex education, linking it to healthier and more prosperous adult lives. 

What Will You Learn Through the Sexual Education Course?

Our course is a deep dive into essential topics tailored for young minds eager to understand themselves and the world around them. Here’s a sneak peek into the curriculum:


Bodies in Transitionbodies in transition symbol

An honest, respectful exploration of puberty, anatomy, and the physiological changes during adolescence.

Safe Spacessafe spaces symbol

Guidance on safe sexual practices, STI prevention, and understanding consent, empowering teens to make safe choices.

Identity and Respectsymbol for identity & respect

An inclusive look at gender identity and sexual orientation, celebrating diversity and promoting empathy.

The Art of Relationshipsart of relationships symbol

Skills for building healthy, respectful relationships and navigating the complexities of teenage interactions.

Digital Awarenessdigital awareness symbol

Insights into the impact of digital interactions on relationships and self-image, promoting positive online behaviours.


Comprehensive sexuality education also addresses the psychological, social, and emotional issues relating to these topics, including those that may be challenging in some social and cultural contexts. 


It supports learners’ empowerment by improving their analytical, communication, and other life skills for health and well-being in relation to:


  • sexuality;
  • human rights & sexual reproductive rights;
  • a healthy and respectful family life and interpersonal relationships;
  • personal and shared values;
  • cultural and social norms;
  • gender equality;
  • non-discrimination;
  • sexual behaviour;
  • gender-based and other violence;
  • consent and bodily integrity.


Enrolling in our Sexual Education Course 

Enrolment is open as of today. High School students aged 14-16 can enrol in this course and explore it on their own, as this is a self-paced course with no tutoring support included. 


We consider that some of the topics are sensitive and private, and we wanted to give our students the space and opportunity to connect with themselves while going through the content of this course.


🖐️ENROL HERE  or check out some of our other amazing academic, wellbeing or future readiness courses. 


Our Heads of Wellbeing & Future Readiness are available for any questions or follow-ups for students who complete the course, in case they feel like they need to understand the topics better or they need support to discuss their unique situations with someone. 


For any other matters related to this course, students & parents can contact us via


Meet the Course Creators 


SECS – The Society for Education on Contraception and Sexuality

The Society for Education on Contraception and Sexuality (SECS) was set up in 1990 and has a long history of impactful projects in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Romania. 


Youth education initiatives have been an important strand of work since the early days of the organisation, and adolescents and young adult volunteers have been involved in the implementation of prevention and awareness-raising campaigns. 


In the early 2000s, SECS developed partnerships with various high schools in Bucharest, Romania for the implementation of educational activities regarding reproductive health programs for young people within their own institutions. 


SECS also initiated the petition ‘We want young people to have access to sexual health education in schools’, which collected over 8000 signatures by 2019. 


During the last few years, youth education has remained a core part of their work, with their youth program reaching over 400 beneficiaries in schools annually. 


Some of their other projects focused on sexual education and addressed specific issues such as gender-based violence, consent, gender equality, gender norms, and more.  


Q&A with the Course Creators 


1. What do you believe are the key principles and concepts that young students should learn about Sexual Education?

Sexual education covers a wide range of topics that are relevant for children and young adults and can be adapted for their age, level of understanding, and developmental stage. 


The main concepts that we also covered in the lessons are Relationships; Values, rights, culture and sexuality; Gender; Violence and staying safe; Health and wellbeing; Human body development; Sexuality, and Sexual & reproductive health.


2. How do you envision this course benefiting high school students?

Bringing sexual education closer to children and adolescents is essential in equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to make responsible decisions for their health and wellbeing, to understand and proclaim their sexual and reproductive rights, to develop healthy relationships, to recognise and protect themselves from sexual abuse and violence, to understand and stand up to discrimination and more.


3. Would you agree that this course can help students nurture their wellbeing skills?

Absolutely! Wellbeing is the ultimate role of sexual education. It goes beyond talking about preventing unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, beyond physical wellbeing. 


Understanding our and other people’s boundaries, having responsible sexual behaviour, and understanding and recognising healthy and unhealthy relationships – all of these topics are relevant to our emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing.


4. Are there any specific skills or mindsets that you hope students will develop through this course?  

Every module aims to develop a set of skills, out of which we mention just a few: communication skills, assertiveness, negotiation and refusal skills, and critical thinking. 


Throughout the sessions, students are invited to practice speaking out for inclusion, non-discrimination, and equality. 


Practicing safety actions as well as seeking support is another essential element of the lessons.


A message for those who are thinking about enrolling in this course right now?

“Sexual education goes beyond contraception and sexually transmitted infections.


What are power inequalities? What are the consequences of stigma and discrimination on people’s sexual and reproductive health? What’s the difference between sexuality and sex? How are culture and sexuality related?


These are just some of the questions which we will tackle together in these lessons. We invite you to stay curious and open to reflect on your own beliefs and values and your perspectives on sex, sexuality gender, and reproduction!


Join our course and let us know what you think! “


FAQ Sexual Education Online Course at Spark Generation 


1. What is sexual education?

Sexual education is a comprehensive learning program designed to equip individuals with knowledge about various aspects of sexuality. It can address topics like human development, reproductive health, interpersonal relationships, affection, intimacy, body image, and gender roles. It aims to foster understanding, respect for individual diversity, and responsible decision-making regarding sexual health.


2. How and why is sexual education important for high school students?

For high school students, sexual education is vital as it coincides with a period of significant physical, emotional, and social development. 


During these years, students often face new and complex decisions about their health and relationships. 


Proper sexual education can provide them with the necessary tools to make informed and respectful choices, understand and respect personal and others’ boundaries, and recognise the importance of consent and communication in relationships.


3. Who is the course designed for?

This course is specifically designed for students aged 14-16. It provides them with age-appropriate, foundational knowledge on topics related to sexual health and relationships. It aims to prepare them for more advanced discussions and situations they might encounter as they grow older, serving as an introduction to more comprehensive topics that will be covered in a subsequent course for ages 17-19.


4. Why doesn’t the course have tutors?

The course is designed to be self-guided to respect the privacy and personal pace of learning of students. We think that is essential when dealing with sensitive topics such as sexual education. This approach allows students to reflect on the material personally and develop their understanding independently, fostering a sense of personal responsibility and comfort with the subject matter.


5. How can students enrol in this course? 

Students interested in enrolling in the sexual education course can easily sign up through our dedicated course page.

For further assistance or if you have any questions during the enrolment process, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team through the website.


6. How can I support my child through this course?

Encourage open dialogue about the topics covered in the course. Also, be available to answer questions or discuss any concerns they might have. Providing a supportive and non-judgmental space at home can enhance the learning experience of your teenager.