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Benefits of Practising a Sport in High School

Here, at Spark, we believe in the power of sports! We know that a healthy body is a host to a healthy mind, and we do everything in our power to provide the flexibility needed to pursue sports. Be that horse riding, rock climbing, swimming, or basketball, we want you to follow your dream, and take Spark with you on your journey towards success. Let’s see how sports can improve your academic experience and what benefits come with practising sports during high school.

Sports and High School

Sports in High School is part of the journey… some people would say. However, this does not relate to everyone. 


If we count physical education classes as sports in high school, yes – but otherwise, Europe still has lots to catch up on if we look at how the United States is tailoring their educational process to include sports as a vital part of student’s academic journey. Yes, it’s true, look it up!


Some would argue that sports are nothing more than a distraction from the main goal of going through high school – learning. They require time, practice, money invested, travel, equipment and lots of other things we can’t see with our eyes. So is it really worth it?


Yes! Throughout this blog post, we will explore together the benefits of practising a sport in high school and we will see how the rewarding part makes up for the difficult part. 


And to assure you that nothing is impossible, we created Spark with these students in mind exactly – students who have a passion for sports, or any other hobby, students who want flexibility and want to develop an independent self while not falling behind on academics – so it is possible. 


So without further ado, let’s see what benefits can sports bring into your life as a high school student and why you should consider enrolling in a sports team this summer.  


Benefits of Practising a Sport in High School


Physical health benefits 

Playing sports in high school is an excellent way to stay fit and active, without it feeling like a chore. It helps to develop muscles, improve coordination, and increase overall physical activity for students, thus taking away from time spent in front of screens or partaking in not-so-productive activities. More physical health benefits of practising sports can include improving your brain health, helping manage weight, reducing the risk of disease, strengthening bones and muscles, and improving your ability to do everyday activities.


Last but not least, practising a sport encourages healthy behaviours such as following a regular exercise routine and eating a balanced, healthy diet. This is especially important for teenagers who are still developing their bodies and minds and it can last well into adulthood if the healthy habits are maintained. 


Mental health benefits

Students who participate in sports during high school have a better chance at wellbeing, given the many opportunities to socialize, express emotions through physical activities, and improve their self-esteem. 


The link between physical activity and mental wellbeing is real and because at Spark we promote wellbeing, it is obvious that we encourage our students to practice sports and lead a happy and healthy lifestyle. Being part of a team can also provide students with a sense of belonging, and it can equip them with skills such as teamwork and communication. 


Time Management Skills

Being part of a team also requires very good time management skills. A student who practices sports should be able to manage their time and their life outside of sports without letting these overlap or affect one another. 


Developing a sense of responsibility to be on time for practice or making time to send in the assignments before the deadline, even though we were gone with competitions all week – are all part of the student’s journey towards becoming a reliable and responsible person. 


Students who develop good time management skills in high school will also benefit from this further down in their academic journey, as it will be easier for them to adjust to changes and be flexible when it comes to that in academic settings. 


Discipline and Goal Setting

Playing a sport comes with practising discipline and setting the right goals for ourselves, in order to achieve the desired outcomes personally or in our team.


Learning how to set goals and how to achieve them can and will very easily translate into a student’s academic life and they will learn how to easily make their way towards academic success. 


In the majority of schools, you need to have an acceptable GPA to play on the sports team. This inspires some teenagers to work harder in their studies so they get accepted. 

Regular exercise is also proven to help with memory and concentration. Researchers discovered that being physically active and participating in sports enhanced boys’ and girls’ academic performance in a study that was published in the Journal of School Health. 


Teamwork and Collaboration

Participating in team sports teaches students the value of teamwork and collaboration. Working towards a common goal, athletes learn to cooperate, communicate effectively, and exhibit leadership skills. These attributes can have a significant impact on their academic experience as well later on in life. 


In group projects, students who have experienced the dynamics of a sports team can contribute effectively, dividing tasks efficiently, resolving conflicts, and fostering a positive learning environment. 


Moreover, in classroom interactions, the ability to collaborate and communicate enhances academic performance, as students actively participate, engage in discussions, and learn from their peers just like they would on the court. 


Time for Reflection and Stress Relief

Engaging in sports provides students with a much-needed break from academic pressures and constant studying. 


Physical activity offers students an opportunity to relax, unwind, and clear their minds. When students participate in sports, they can temporarily set aside their academic responsibilities and focus on the physical challenges and enjoyment of the game. This break from studying can help reduce stress and prevent burnout.


Apart from this, practising a sport is proven to help release endorphins, which promote feelings of happiness and reduce anxiety. It also improves sleep patterns, boosts energy levels, and enhances cognitive function, leading to improved academic performance.


By allocating time for sports, students can develop a routine that includes both study and exercise, ensuring a well-rounded approach to their overall development. This balance not only improves physical health but also enhances mental focus and concentration, leading to greater productivity and success in academics.


In case you are not convinced yet

Overall, practising a sport in high school can change your entire experience. Sports are not only known for their health benefits but also for the ties and friendships that are made – that end up lasting for a lifetime. 


If you don’t believe me, here are some of the most iconic friendships in sports that would not exist today if these people would not have gotten into sports some time ago. So what is stopping you from becoming the next sports star?


At Spark, we greatly encourage our students to believe in their dreams and pursue them. We offer students the flexibility to tailor their academic needs around their personal journey and if that includes sports, we are their number one supporters! 


All this being said, wait no more and sign up to be part of a local sports team – if you don’t know what you like, no worries! There is plenty of time to discover whether you like basketball, soccer, or ice hockey – and if your passion turns out to be pottery, or playing the piano, that is also ok with us! Spark supports your dream, no matter what it is! 


Benefits of Practising a Sport in High School FAQ


What are the main benefits of practising sports in high school?

Sports can improve academic performance by promoting physical and mental well-being, teaching valuable skills like time management and discipline, and enhancing teamwork and collaboration abilities. Practising a sport is also a great way for students to take a break from academic pressure. 


How do sports provide a break from academics?

Engaging in sports allows students to relax, unwind, and clear their minds. By engaging in physical activities they also end up releasing endorphins that can help reduce stress, and improve their sleep patterns.


How can a student practising sports maintain a balanced lifestyle?

Finding balance is essential for maintaining a healthy academic and athletic lifestyle. It helps manage stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being and productivity in both areas. 


By learning time management skills, students can be part of a sports team without letting this interfere with their academic achievements or personal life. 


How do teamwork and collaboration in sports extend to academics?

Teamwork and collaboration in sports foster important skills that transfer to academic settings, such as effective communication, cooperation, and the ability to work well in groups.