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Flexibility in Online Learning: What It Means for Students

Flexibility allows students to get to know themselves better and schedule their learning accordingly. This means that they can take advantage of the time when their focus is great and they have the capability to retain information easily instead of trying to learn when their brains don't cooperate. But what other benefits are there to Flexibility in Online learning? Read along to discover them all!

This article is part of the Flexible Learning Guide. Learn all about Flexible Thinking Activities, Flexible Learning Environments, and Flexibility in the Classroom.


Online Learning – What is it and why is it important?

Nowadays, there is rise in the necessity for online learning, and institutions are trying to answer this need by offering the chance to study online or hybrid.


Online schooling is the type of schooling that happens virtually, without students being tied to a physical place or having to attend classes physically.


Hybrid Schooling on the other hand, has got the best of both worlds. It is a form of education where students also get to experience virtual schooling, but without losing access to the in-person experience of schooling. Hybrid educational models try to offer both virtual and in-person educational experiences to students.


No matter which one of these educational models may look more attractive to you, one thing is for sure. The flexibility of online studies helps students worldwide have access to education without worrying about location, time or quality.


The Basics of Flexible Learning 

Flexible Learning is a new concept or method of learning where students are given freedom to study what, how, when, where they like. These aspects can be combined, or they can come as separate benefits for different educational programs.


For example, Spark Generation meets all of these aspects as we allow our students to choose what subjects they want to learn, when they want to learn them, and they can do so from anywhere in the world.


In general, Cambridge schools are known for having a flexible curriculum that allows students to focus on the subjects they want to study. However, not all Cambridge schools are online – thus, just look for the level of flexibility you need in your life and go from there.


The Importance of flexibility in online learning 

The main reason for which people choose online learning is because of the flexibility it offers. 


As technology evolves, online learning reached a stage where it can offer experiences that are similar or even better than the traditional offline classes.


This happens through tactics like gamification, the use of virtual and augmented reality, AI support, and much more. All of these can create a richer and more personalised learning experience for students, that will provide them not only with knowledge but also guidance in their educational journeys. 


Flexible learning also comes as help to increase access to higher education, particularly as worldwide enrolments are expected to double by 2025 (Maslen, 2012).


Having the flexibility of online education gives students peace of mind, allows them to take things at their own pace and learn at their own will while also being able to continue pursuing their passions.  


However, it does not mean a lack of structure, guidance and support. Flexible online learning also offers flexible help from tutors and mentors that guide you through the course.


The key elements of flexible online learning are – pace, place and mode. (Gordon, 2014)


Effects of flexible online learning on students 

Have you noticed how online learning has changed the way we think about education? It’s all about fitting your studies into your life, not the other way around. Let’s dive into how this flexibility is making a real difference for students today.


Here’s what’s up with flexible online learning:


  • Your Space, Your Rules: Ever thought about how great it is to choose where and when you study? That’s one of the big perks. Whether it’s your quiet bedroom at night or a café in the morning, you set up your ideal learning spot.
  • You’re in Charge: It’s about taking control. Plan your learning around your day, not your day around learning. This means you can juggle your job, hobbies, and studies without missing a beat.
  • More Joy in Learning: There’s something satisfying about blending studies with your passions. It makes learning something you want to do, not something you have to do.


From a Fellow Learner:

“When I first joined Spark School, I was amazed by the welcoming and supportive environment. I didn’t feel judged, and I found myself truly enjoying learning. The teachers are incredibly patient, allowing each of us to learn at our own pace.


This flexibility was crucial for me, especially when I was traveling abroad. No matter where I was, my education continued seamlessly, thanks to the dedicated teachers who were always ready to help.


Spark School has taught me responsibility and the importance of setting and achieving my goals. Here, you have the freedom to choose your subjects and how you approach your studies. This independence has helped me grow and understand the importance of owning my choices.”

Larisa Cernescu, Spark Generation 2024 Graduate

The benefits of a flexible online learning program 

There are various benefits that a flexible online learning program offers. Due to technological advancement, you can follow an online education system and do not feel the lack of socialising and interaction with your colleagues.  


Some of the main benefits of a flexible learning program are:


  •  Flexibility to earn your degree at your own pace. While in conventional classes, teachers have their speed and usually have to tick a task on the learning board and rush students into understanding a subject, having the possibility to tackle the subject at your own pace is excellent. 


  • Comfort to study from anywhere. There is a  direct connection between feeling comfortable in your learning environment and the learning results. Thus, if you are in a familiar atmosphere, it may make you feel like you do not have to worry about anything else but focus on studying. 


  •  No need for long commutes as you virtually enter to have any class. Sometimes getting to school may prove to be a challenge as you need to wake up an hour earlier to get ready and then commute to school. Losing at least two hours per day on commuting is sometimes frustrating when you have a lot of homework. 


  •  You are in complete control of your studying program, just like you are in a workplace. This will get you readier to balance the work-life when needed.  


Advantages and disadvantages of flexible online learning 


  • Students develop their responsibility.
  • They become aware of the importance of organising.
  • Online learning helps students be more independent.
  • It increases the student’s confidence in making decisions for their future.
  • You can connect with people worldwide as it has no boundaries.
  • Easier to attend classes.
  • Access for a bigger number of students to education. 



A significant disadvantage of online learning is the separation it may cause between those with internet access, access to various and improved computer systems, those that have a computer and those in developing countries where technology and accessibility of it are two things they do not focus on nor have. 


If you have trouble committing to something if it is not mandatory, choosing online learning can be a trick. Not committing to a studying schedule will leave you behind in classes, and you will have trouble making up for so many courses. 


Some students may have an increased sense of isolation if they opt for online learning. The minimal physical interaction is necessary for some who feel this interaction gives them moral support. 


Related Terms 

  • distance learning vs online learning 

The distance learning concept existed long before online learning. It is a kind of learning where students are given the learning materials and can go through them as they wish. In addition to the courses, students may be asked to attend some live sessions.


In comparison, online learning is where students have online access to the courses and can access them when they want. It also provides self-assessment materials for students. It can come with support from the tutor or mentor. 


  • flexible learning vs online learning 

Flexible learning allows students to choose when, how and where to learn. It does not necessarily have to be online. It addresses how to use the physical learning space, group students while learning, discuss topics, and learn pace. 


E-learning is a need because of its flexibility regarding the pace, place, and mode of learning. However, online learning can be flexible as well. These days this is what online learning is all about – flexibility. 


  • modular learning vs online learning 

Modular learning is a type of class where students receive tech course materials in handouts to study until a specific deadline. The handout type provides the same access to materials for everyone and an easier way to study – as the information is summarised. With the modular classes, students can show what they learned only at the deadline.


Online classes offer students the ability to communicate constantly online and give and receive feedback on their course understanding and tasks. Online learning, in comparison, is done online and has no deadline for the lessons. The course is not summarised, and each student can take their understanding of the course.


To sum everything up…

There certainly are two teams – those who are pro and those who are against online learning. However, it is essential to bear in mind that online learning came not as a replacement for the traditional learning system but as a help to those students that cannot follow a conventional learning system from various considerations. There is no need to judge any of the teams as each learning type has its advantages and disadvantages. 


When choosing what best suits your needs as a student, focus on the one solution with the most advantages to you. 


-> Is it online high school?


-> Help with online tutoring?


-> Is it something that we haven’t thought about at Spark Generation? 


Contact us and let’s make your dream educational journey a reality. Because flexible online learning is meant to empower the next generation of superheroes and leaders.


Flexible Online Learning FAQ 

  • 1. How is online school more flexible?  

Just being online, having the chance to study the courses at your own will, having the opportunity to review them every time you want for a better understanding and having the chance to study anytime fits your schedule gives the online school the flexibility most students look for. Besides all this, it allows students to choose the courses they want to have. 


  • 2. What are the advantages of flexible learning?

Flexible learning helps students 

 – Continue their extracurricular activities

 – Choose their courses

 – Make their schedule 

 – Learn at their own will

 – Become more responsible

 – Develop organising skills


  • 3. What is a flexible online class? 

A flexible online class is a class that allows students to learn when they want, how they want and from where they want.