Our Superheroes have grown up
This year, Spark Generation has finished training yet another generation of marvellous superheroes brave enough to try out a different kind of education.
18 young students are graduating from Spark Generation this year, marking the successful completion of their Year 13. We could not be more proud of their achievements and the journey they have undertaken.
When they joined Spark Generation, their hearts were filled with emotions and insecurities. And they did not really know what to expect.
But they were brave enough to listen to their hearts and try a new form of education.
One in which they could thrive and learn without being restrained by the boundaries imposed by traditional schooling.
And they did. Here they are today, in full bloom.
These 6 marvellous students are the graduates who were able to make it to our first-ever organised physical graduation ceremony.
From left to right, (part of) the Spark Generation Class of 2024:
Serban Pastor
Diana Moraru
David Cosman
Larisa Cernescu
Edy Belingher
Teodora Diaconu
A big round of applause for our graduates! And we can’t wait to celebrate soon with our online graduates who could not attend our physical ceremony.
Being an online high school, we have students in (almost) every corner of the world. And we want to offer each of them the opportunity to celebrate together and be proud of their achievements.
How our graduation ceremony went down
The Spark Generation Graduation Ceremony started with a feeling of curiosity in the air and ended with lots of tears of joy, celebration, and excitement.
The graduates and their families were invited to a couple of in-house activities and discussions, all centred on the star topic of the day: our marvellous graduates.
We laughed, we cried, and we were thankful we could witness the metamorphosis of these students who today are responsible young adults capable of holding a speech that will leave a room full of people in tears:

“ Today is a day to celebrate our journey and achievements. When I first started in this unique Cambridge-system school, I didn’t speak English at all…
The thought of learning in a new language was like jumping into the water without knowing how to swim.
But this school provided the support I needed, and soon I was not only swimming but also enjoying the journey…
You have all given me an experience I will cherish forever. Thank you!”
Larisa Cernescu, Spark Generation ‘24 Graduate
The Spark Generation Graduation Speech
Diana Moraru, our stellar student and graduate, prepared and delivered this year’s Spark Generation graduation speech.
We cherish her willingness to open up and talk about her personal experience at Spark Generation, and we thank her for her wonderful words:
“I was able to see Spark grow, even from the comfort of my home, and I am happy to be able to share my experience with you today.

I studied for 10 years in the Romanian school system, so I can tell you that no school system is perfect – but Spark Generation is close.
The last two years I spent studying at Spark taught me more than those 10 years could have ever.
On an academic plan, I was finally able to understand the difference between memorising and understanding a lesson.
With my teachers’ support, I was able to prove to myself I am capable of learning effectively and managing my studying time.
I learned to handle stress better, I learned to prevent procrastination, but I’d say the most important lesson was ‘It’s alright to make mistakes.’
Wellbeing-wise, Spark Generation didn’t neglect me either. The passion of their teachers always managed to amaze me and keep me motivated.
Signing up for Spark Generation, I was able to learn from teachers who offered me unconditional support and helped me work towards self-actualisation.
Spark Generation helped me achieve a mindset change that didn’t just help me pass my exams, but that has changed me for the better as a person and that I can continue to use, even as I step out into the world.
I can draw from my experience that Spark Generation will never be perfect. Because from what I can see, the entire team will never stop improving.
I think it’s a community that continues to strive for even better and seek more ways to give students the things the normal school system lacks.
And for me, it gave me all the tools I needed to gain the confidence I lacked before, in both academic and personal areas of life, and I’m very thankful for that.”
Diana Moraru & her Spark Generation 2024 Graduation Speech
Our Graduates’ and Families’ messages for our future students
We made sure that our graduates and their families left a legacy for our future generations of superheroes.
It’s important to know that no one starts this journey as a superhero. You have a hero journey to discover that will help you unleash the superhero inside you.
Word is, as you complete your journey, you actually find yourself and realise some things along the way.
You’re supposed to take this knowledge with you, no matter where life takes you. And the learnings and wisdom are supposed to guide you and help you navigate a stable future.
There is no magic potion to complete this journey; the findings can vary from student to student.
Here are a couple of messages, thoughts, and pieces of encouragement that our graduates learned along the way and wanted to share with the future generations of superheroes:
Ready to join the next generation of superheroes?
If you are still deciding whether online schooling is for you, this blog post might help you realise that it is indeed doable.
These young people here, and those not pictured here, are the proof that online schooling can work, be amazing, and lead to great things in life.
We know it’s a new form of education, and it might seem risky. But the hero’s journey is never supposed to be a straight line that takes you from one point to another.
There are challenges, there is growth, and you have to step out of your comfort zone. But that is where the magic lies and where you will discover your superpowers.
No need to believe us. Hear it from one of our graduates:

“For those who want to grow as a person, become more free, creative, and reach unimaginable academic goals, I recommend Spark Generation High School to you.
Being a graduate of this high school, my time here has taught me more about autonomy, independence, leadership, and time management than I could have possibly imagined…
For me, it was a privilege, as having no pressure of deadlines enabled me to switch from “having to learn” to “wanting to learn”.
In one word, this school will grant you FREEDOM, freedom to ask for support from your teachers, to develop interest in your courses, to develop your leadership skills, and to develop new friendships!
The trick is that it is totally up to you.
As this isn’t a regular high school, teachers will not pressure you to do your homework; you will have to come to them with questions and ask for their guidance.
All members of Spark are well-trained and ready to support you in any way you need. All you have to do is ask, take charge, and lead your own life. “
Teodora Diaconu, Spark Generation class of ‘24 Graduate
Ready to take charge of your own educational journey with Spark Generation?
Join us and let’s shape an educational journey as unique and special as you.
Your superpowers are waiting to be discovered, and your hero’s journey is waiting to be conquered.
Don’t let them wait any longer.