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New Year at Spark School

At Spark School 2022 means new goals, new opportunities for growth and improvement to deliver the best courses to our students.

A whole new year started, and we are ready for new challenges.

2021 was our first year, and we are happy to share with you some insights on 2021:

– we currently have ten students that actively participate in our online classes.

– we have grown from 0 to 1000 follows on our Facebook page in a matter of just a few months.

– we have contributed to global social awareness through our social media pages.

– we have more than a hundred of applications that wait to be reviewed and answered.

We have had a fantastic first year of our existence. And we are grateful for our students, all our subscribers, and all the feedback we received. Every input is an excellent opportunity for us to improve and answer all of our student’s needs.

Starting a school and making it one of the best hybrid schools requires a lot of work, and we are glad to have professionals by our side to help realise this.

Our teachers and auxiliary staff are all experienced in their fields, and no matter the problems, they are here to help.

2022 view

Our view for 2022 is simple – help our students find their sparks and reach their goals! Help them succeed in life and embrace their passions! Be there in their education path!

We treat students as multi-dimensional whole beings and aim to create a thriving environment to meet their emotional, social, spiritual and cognitive needs.

Moreover, our transparency for the parents remains the same.

Paul Kennedy the Head of School shared with us some insights on what Spark School has in store for 2022:

“The 12 weekly reports will be published in January to students and parents. The 12 weekly report provides an update on the progress made in each subject with targets for each subject. The 6 weekly assessments will also continue with feedback provided by Academic tutors to students in their tutorials with regard to the 6 weekly assessments.

Spark during 2022 will be expanding the number of subjects offered at IGCSE & AS level, details on these subjects with dates of launch will be published throughout the year.
In 2022, Spark will be organising Global Awareness activities for all students in Spark. The aim is for all students in Spark to spend a number of days together in person participating in Global Awareness activities. This will be an opportunity for students to come together without the aid of technology and to get to know each other.

When all of the details are finalised information will be published to students and parents.
The Leadership Programme will be continued to be delivered during 2022, Mr Mihai Zoican who coordinates the programme will send out information regularly to students and parents.”

Let’s start the year working towards educating fit for future students!