Unlimited Learning Subscription

The Spark Unlimited Online Learning Subscription is a commitment to education for ambitious students.

Your monthly subscription to unlimited, online, quality education!

What you get

Unlocking Access to 55+ Academic, Wellbeing and Future Readiness online courses

  • Cambridge Online IGCSE & Online A-level self-paced Courses
  • Online Wellbeing Courses
  • Online Future Readiness courses
  • Learn by following our Engage, Learn, Practice Master framework

The magic behind our unlimited learning subscription

High school students who enrol in our Unlimited Learning Subscription are in for an exciting educational experience.

Besides unlimited learning time, they get access to a variety of Academic, Wellbeing, and Future Readiness online courses. But the fun doesn’t stop there!

Students also get coaching sessions, wellbeing support, and can choose to register for extra tutoring or taking exams for the courses they want to get International Certificates for.


Ready to start binge learning?

FAQs Unlimited Learning Subscription

Unlimited access to over 55 academic, wellbeing, and future-readiness courses, available 24/7 from anywhere in the world.

Simply click the “Subscribe Now” button, and follow the easy checkout process to start your learning journey.

Yes, you can cancel your subscription whenever you want. There’s no long-term commitment. You can do that by:

  • Using the Sparky assistant (in the online learning platform)
  • Or by writing an email to cancel@spark.school

After payment, you’ll receive an email to create an account. Within 24 hours we will be back with your login details via email to access the MySpark Digital Learning Platform, where all courses are available.

If you are encountering difficulties or did not get the email to create an account after payment, please contact our admissions team at admissions@spark.school.

Yes, the platform offers comprehensive progress tracking and personalised learning insights.

Our dedicated support team is available to assist with any technical questions or challenges you might encounter.

If you find yourself looking for extra tutoring support, we encourage you to reach out to our admissions team, and they will help you add it as an extra service to your learning plan.

Yes, you can access your learning subscription from any device, allowing you to learn on-the-go – but to get the best user experience we would recommend a laptop.

The mobile access is only available for students currently (as teachers and content creators have other actions like editing/correcting assignments and so on that would require a PC).